Competition Regulations


  1. Competition is open for the 23 classes listed below. To be eligible for the competition, entries must attain or exceed the minimum score shown in the first column. The second score shown in each case is the B.C. records minimum score and the 3rd score shown is the Boone & Crockett minimum score.
  2. Mule Deer (Typical) 160 175 190
  3. Mule Deer (Non-Typical)* 172 (6) 195 230
  4. Whitetail Deer (Typical) 130 150 170
  5. Whitetail Deer (Non-Typical)* 142 (6) 165 195
  6. Elk (Typical) 285 320 375
  7. Elk (Non-Typical)* 315 (10) 330 385
  8. Kootenay Moose (Region 4&8 Only) 130 180 195
  9. Canada Moose 155 180 195
    (Taken elsewhere in the province)
  10. Caribou (Taken elsewhere in province) 300 375 390
  11. Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep 140 170 180
  12. California Bighorn Sheep 140 150 180
  13. Stones Sheep 140 160 170
  14. Dall Sheep (West of Tagish) 140 150 170
  15. Goat 47 49 50
  16. Grizzly Bear 20 23 24
  17. Black Bear 18 19 21
  18. Cougar 13 15 15
  19. Wolf 15 16
  20. Bison 108 NC 115
  21. Sitka Blacktail 100 115 108
  22. Turkey Length of Spurs X 10 Length of Beard X 2
  23. Roosevelt Elk 250 280 290
  24. Out of Province Whitetail (Typical) 150 NC NC
    (Non –Typical)* 165 NC NC

*Deer antlers must have over 6 inches of abnormal growth and elk antlers 10 inches of abnormal growth to be eligible for the non-typical class. The trophy will be placed in the most advantageous class (for W.K.B.G.T.A. purposes only).

  1. Interested persons resident in the area set out in Regulation #8 are eligible for election or appointment to the Executive of the West Kootenay Big Game Trophy Association. This association conducts the competition.
  2. Cost of competition awards and operating expenses are derived from Association membership fees and such other activities deemed necessary by the executive. The Association is operated on a non-profit, self-supporting basis. Types of awards and presentations are at the discretion of the executive.
  3. Association Membership fee is $25.00 which covers entry in one or more classes of competition. Membership purchased after date of kill will disqualify entry of trophy for competition with the exception of Bear and Cougar entries which will be honoured provided entrant has previous year’s membership. Every entry must be accompanied by tag license (or Photostat copies of tags, permits and hunting license) and compulsory inspection certificate if one is required. Hunters will be asked to sign a Boone and Crockett statement testifying to fair chase methods in taking any trophy to be entered in the West Kootenay Big Game Trophy Competition.
  4. No competitor may receive more than one award for any one trophy (excluding the George Commander Memorial, Miller Memorial, Championship Cup, Junior Grand Aggregate, John Shannon Junior Elk Trophy, Female Grand Aggregate and the new Aggregate Archery Award).
  5. In the event of two or more identical scores, identical awards will be made to each.
  6. Second place awards will be given for each trophy category. The form of this award will be at the discretion of the Executive.
  7. Only those persons residing in Regions 4-6 to 4-19 inclusive and from 4-27 to4-33 and 8-14 to 8-15 are eligible for membership and entry of trophies for competition.
  8. Game must be shot in accordance with Game Regulations anywhere in the Province of B.C. during the period of January 1st to December 31st for the present competition year.
  9. Entrants must have their trophy scored in accordance with the Boone and Crockett system by the W.K.B.G.T.A. Scorer. Members of the Executive will assist entrants with scoring; however, it is the entrant’s responsibility to HAVE THEIR ENTRIES IN THE HANDS OF Larry Hill or Michael Conci no later than December 31st of the present competition year. In case of extended season (January and February) entries are eligible in the calendar year the trophy was taken provided the entrant had a previous year’s membership.
  10. Good care will be given to trophies, but submission will be at owners risk and expense. Mounted trophies will not be eligible. If trophy is to be mounted, entrants must arrange to postpone mounting until Association scoring has been completed.
  11. Antlered or horned trophies must have crown or skull unbroken, uncracked and in a cleaned condition. If a horn, or a portion thereof is broken and detachable this portion will not be used in arriving at the final score. However, broken tines from antlered animals are now acceptable to be scored under Boone and Crockett regulations (2004). The broken tine must be presented at the time of official scoring and must not be repaired or altered prior to official scoring. The broken portion of tine must clearly be a perfect match. Bear and cougar entries must have skull, less lower jaw, cleaned by boiling. If bear or cougar skulls are cracked or broken to the extent that the cracks or breaks interfere with scoring, such skulls will be penalized or disqualified as is warranted. The Executive reserves the right to reject those entries which are not submitted in a cleaned condition.
  12. The West Kootenay Big Game Trophy Association reserves the right to check the identification and to refuse any questionable entries. Decision of the judges is final. The judges shall consist of the table officers with advice from the scorer.
  13. The junior members do not require a membership if they are 17 years of age or younger at the time of harvest. If a junior member wishes to compete in the Senior Competition (and be eligible for the consolation award) he/she must purchase an Association Membership.
  14. Winners will be notified by letter prior to the awards banquet (always to be hosted in the first Saturday of March).
  15. The Kootenay/Arrow Lake distinction for fish has been dropped but species remain separate. River/Lake categories remain unchanged. There are now Senior and Junior Fish Categories. The Fish categories are as follows:
    a. Rainbow trout (any river/stream)
    b. Rainbow trout (any lake)
    c. Bull Trout – formerly known as Dolly Varden (any lake/stream)
    d. Walleye (any river/stream)
  16. The W.K.B.G.T.A. has adopted an “Out – of – Province” Whitetail Deer Award. Typical minimum score is 150. Non- Typical minimum score is 165. The best overall “Out –of –Province” Whitetail Deer will win the award (as dictated by the Championship Cup Formula).
  17. The W.K.B.G.T.A. has adopted a new Aggregate Archery Award. No minimum score is required to qualify for this award. The best overall specie will win the award (as dictated by the Championship Cup Formula).

The following Competition Regulations are NEW since 2007:

  1. The member who wins the Membership Draw awarded at the annual banquet has an option of $400.00 cash or the custom carved rifle.
  2. W.K.B.G.T.A. is to pay the entry fee for anyone entering a trophy in the British Columbia Record Book ($20).
  3. The Aggregate Archery Award winner will now receive a keeper trophy.
  4. Increased reward for poaching information and conviction under the Wildlife Act from $500.00 to $1000.00.
  5. The W.K.B.G T.A. has adopted a Female Grand Aggregate Trophy with these requirements and stipulations:

a) No minimum score required.
b) Must possess a valid membership at the time of harvest.
c) Grand Aggregate Scoring formula to be used.
d) This award is strictly based on the most outstanding animal harvested by the female hunter.

  1. The W.K.B.G.T.A. has adopted a Turkey Category which will consist of a combined score of = beard length (x2) plus length of spurs (x10).
  2. The British Columbia Record Book has lowered the Stones Sheep minimum from 165” to 160”.
  3. The W.K.B.G.T.A. has lowered the Mule Deer minimum scores for entry:

a) Typical – 160
b) Non- Typical – 172

  1. W.K.B.G.T.A. has removed the minimum score requirement for the Aggregate Archery Award.

For further inquiries please contact the W.K.B.G.T.A. Scorers:
Larry Hill Michael Conci
1975 Old Salmo Road 2431 Albert Drive
Fruitvale Trail
Phone: 250-367-9163 Phone: 250-231-1330
Email: Email:

  1. Treat every gun with the respect due a loaded gun.
  2. Always control the muzzle of your firearm.
  3. Be sure of your target and beyond.
  4. Never shoot at a flat hard surface or water.
  5. Never point a gun at anything that you do not want to shoot.
  6. Never climb a tee or fence or jump a ditch with a loaded gun.
  7. Store guns and ammunition separately.
  8. Be sure the barrel and action of your firearm are clear of all obstructions.
  9. Unload guns when not in use.
  10. Avoid alcoholic beverages.